Friday, May 6, 2016

Ecosphere blog post by:Taylor Jones, Amy Latimer, Lisa Merritt, and Shawna Steele

Contents of ecosphere:
Originally we had put 117.9 grams of soil into our jar but once 500mL of water was added, the water was too dark for any life to live in. So because of this, we poured out the water and started over.
4 cups of sand
3 cups of gravel
Added some hay
150 mL of algae food source
¾ of water was tap water and the last ¼ was pond water
2mL selenastrum capricornutum is a genus of green algae. It is a Producer/photoautotrophic, photochemolithotrophic organism.
1 water sprite
1 bacopa is a genus of 70–100 aquatic plants in the family of Plantaginaceae. It is a Producer/photochemolithotrophic, photoautotrophic. Produce food through photosynthesis and cell respiration. are found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, particularly in the Americas. It has been used in India for medicines to improve mental clarity.
4mL anabaena is a genus of filamentous cyanobacteria. Anabaena exists as plankton, are well known for their nitrogen fixing abilities and symbiotic relationships with plants. In this symbiotic relationship they produce neurotoxins in order to protect plants from grazing pressure. Anabaena is a Producer and is photoautotrophic 1 shrimp (Jerry)--Consumer/chemoorganoheterotroph

Ecosphere Observation Day 1 – water is a little too murky that desired, probably due to the amount of soil we put at the bottom of the jar
Ecosphere Observation Day 2 – Our little buddy Jerry died. Also, notice the number of anabaena (the white dots) is in the picture
Ecosphere observation Day 3 – Jerry’s body has disappeared, probably was decomposed by the water or other organisms. The amount of anabaena has increased (there are more white dots in the picture in comparison to day 2).

As you can see in the images that there has been substantial plant growth in our ecosphere. As a group we expect the amount of daphnia to increase and grow in size. More Anabaena will also produce and maybe lead to the growth of more plants and organisms.


  1. Hi, I saw you guys ecosphere in the lab last time. It was interesting that you guys have enormous number of daphnia even shrimp has dead. I thought there was some error in making good ecosphere for shrimp so I couldn't expect that big bloom of daphnia. Thank you.

  2. Hey guys. :D
    Your ecosphere seemed to exhibit similar changes to our (Fun-gis) ecosphere, that being the demise of our snail. I'm just wondering why you think that is because I'm a little clueless. I'm thinking that it's due to the fact that we insufficient amounts of selenastrum was added and selenastrum is what snails would eat along with whatever algae in the jar. We also noted an increase in our daphnea. Perhaps the anabaena facilitated the daphnea's growth and inhibited that of the snails. However, I checked again on Wednesday and we now have 4 or more baby snails! Whoopdy do.

  3. Hi, the different stages pics are useful, we didn't stop to take them as we were making it and wish we had now. The body disappearance is really quick seems like something else must have been in the jar to cause that to happen so fast. If it died so quickly it could have just been an unhealthy initial environment while everything settled, but not that the body is gone I guess we will never know!

  4. Greetings,
    I am wondering what could we hypothesize for the death of Jerry (the shrimp)? As shown in Day 1 picture, the ecosphere seems a bit murky due to the soil movement all over the ecosphere. This leads me to think that maybe all the dense soil in the water had taken the space and it had not allowed shrimp to have enough oxygen to work around it. Thus, causing Jerry to choke. Or there could totally be a different hypothesis that may describe the death of Jerry more scientifically.

  5. That sucks Jerry died. In the beginning he did not look vary good. So maybe thats why he died. Also it was interesting to see how much clearer the water got after the first day. Then how much the different things grew in your eco sphere. Nice post
