Friday, June 17, 2016

Being beezy with the Bees

Sorry if the format of this is weird but I'm posting this from my phone cause I have no internet at my new place... Anyways!

Visiting the bees was a great way to finish off the quarter. I've always heard and seen bee keepers and how they have kept their hives but I've never been able to actually experience it. The visit made me appeciate bees more and understand how structured they are as a group. Each type of bee has a role that helps the group prosper overall and it's amazing how serious they are about it. No one slacks off and they're willing to do and sacrifice for the "greater good" even if it means their life.

There were 3 types of bees we learned about. The worker bees (the females who pretty much do all the work you can think of whether it's building the hive, pollenating flowers and making the honey), the drone bees (which are slightly bigger male bees who protect the hive from danger or threats) and then lastly the queen bee (the largest of them all who is the sole reason why there is even a hive to begin with). It was awesome cause we were able to see her and she was just walking around like a bad chick (like she owned the place). I also thought it was interesting how during the winter the females kick all the male bees out because the drones have no purpose since everything is hibernating. When they get kicked out, they end up dying which to me I thought was crazy. It was also interesting to see baby bees being born too. Luckily the hive I was able to look at had everything that we learned about so it was cool to see what you've learned in action.

Overall I enjoyed the trip & just being able to be more hands on with my learning. Thank you to Gwen and for our tour guide for walking us through what bee keepers do. It was a great experience!


I have a bunch of really great pictures but my phone won't let me download them :( I can email them if you would like to see them!

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