Sunday, May 22, 2016

Final Post of Ecosphere by the Dream Team

By: Matthew Heinekin, Ivanna de Anda, Nhy Tran

Throughout several weeks of observing our ecosphere, it has been continued to thrive without any issues. The ecosphere has enough nutrients and food sources for all the organisms to live and reproduce. For instance, the Daphnia in our ecosphere continue to get bigger and reproduce many offsprings, and so does our snail (Figure 1)

 Figure 1. Close up on the ecosphere with big Daphnia and baby snails

From looking at the ingredients that [Fun-Guys] group used to make their own ecosphere, both ecosphere have very similar set-up. We both used pond water and algae nutrient water for the ecosphere. And we believe that this is the factor that lead both ecospheres grow and thrive. The pond water would have introduced a stable environment into the ecosphere and the added nutrients gave the organisms in the ecosphere more resources for them to be able to thrive. For instance, the snail in both of our ecospheres have grown bigger and reproduced a lot of baby snails (Figure 2). Since both groups don't have shrimp in the ecospheres, it shows that there were no predators that can eat our Daphnia. 
Figure 2. The baby snails are chilling on the side of the mason jar

Even though this is the last post of the ecosphere, we hope that you can still update and see our thriving ecosphere (huge Daphnia) during our lab time. 


  1. Hi!

    I believe the way your group and my group set our ecosphere did make an impact on our snails. However, our plants seems to be dying and I don't see that in yours. Do you know why might that be for us?

  2. Omg look at those little baby snails, so cute! xD Hmm, our snail also grows much bigger just like yours but sadly no baby snail was reproduced, probably because it was a he?
