Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fungi Field Trip By Robert Barker

            I was super excited about this field trip. I go hiking, but not nearly as much as I want to. Pine ridge Park served as a great atmosphere to learn about different fungi. Korena was very knowledgeable and helped the class explore different types of fungi and trees. I was really surprised not only during the field trip but, when we learned that mushrooms were fungus. I appreciated learning more about my surroundings when I go hiking. I was unable to get a lot of photos since my phone died.
Figure 1: The layer under the bark is the cambium. 

        The thing that stuck out the most in my mind was how the leaves of trees got feed. The water is soaked up through the roots of the trees and then accumulate in the cambium of the tree trunk. The water from there goes up the trunk and then disperses into the leaves. I also learned from korena how to tell how old a tree is. According to Korena, the smaller the cambium is the older the tree. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robert! It was great reading your post, I wasn't able to go to this field trip but it's nice to see everyone's posts about it. That's really interesting that the smaller the cambium is, the older the tree, I wasn't aware of that!
