Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fungi Field Trip Post by Eunice

The field trip provided a chance to see how organisms look like in their natural form. As picture above, several types of lichen seem to coexist on one branch. The flat ones looks like leporose type of lichen and I've noticed some of its friends grow on tree on campus too. The fuzzy one is called witch hair lichen(Alectoria sarmentosa) and says it grows to meters long. Accoring to, deers feed on them during winter and was valued as fiber such as diper in the good old days. Talking about food, it was interesting to see how various form that fungus have and some of them look like food. Such as:

One that looks like nann....

 Or a clam.

Despite how much they like to munch on log and soil, others seem to love to eat them too. Most of the mushrooms that were found were either dead or much eaten, or both. How slugs are faster than humans. Good luck, Mario.
One of the fact that drew my attention was that trees bleed sap in attempt to let out intruders inside it. Aside from whether it is asking for help or not, according to, there is a tree called dragon blood tree that has red resin make it show like its actually bleeding red, definitely drawing attention. And us humans in response, learned to make use of those sap for our good sakes. Yay human!

1 comment:

  1. I thought that was interesting too, that when trees have some sort of infection, sap seeps out of the bark. Also good job on taking some great photos!
