Monday, April 18, 2016

Mystery TSA Dish Bacteria by John Yang

Mystery TSA Dish Bacteria

Day 0:
I decided to examine my phone and table in our lab for sample for this experiment. I hypothesized phone will have more bacteria than table because student rinse out the table every time when they are done. I just took a swab of my phone and table. I made two duplicate dishes for room temperature (24°C ) and 37°C  which is our body temperature.

Day 2:
Quite shocking results are shown. There were no bacteria growth for both temperature. I couldn't say there was no bacteria when I make a dishes because of not enough evidences to support it. I decided to keep watch it.

Day 7:
Finally, bacteria were made in both dishes. But only one column of bacteria was made for both dishes. For both, bacteria column was made in phone section. Column in 24°C has relatively big size of column than 37°C . Both bacteria column was yellow small circular dot shape. I couldn't figure it out what is that bacteria is. There was no data and information to find out. 

            Day 7 Growth, Phone sample, 24°

Day 7 Growth, Phone sample, 37°

I tried to figure out which environment has more bacteria and what temperature is best condition for that bacteria. Result of dish is not satisfy but I would like to say that yellow circular bacteria column has more high growth rate at room temperature (24°C ) and live in my iphone not lab table. This is kind a vague and unsatisfying result but there is no way to say more about this result.   

1 comment:

  1. You kind of have the similar result as I do. My phone and pen also turned out to be very clean. But it is interesting how you got a bigger growth in room temperature than 37℃. Generally they seem better off in 37℃. I guess you really got a mystery bacteria.
