Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mystery TSA Dish Bacteria Post by Eunice

Day 0, unknown micro organisms were obtained from the following locations: tip of a pen-that I often chew on, under my finger nail, key board from school lap top and the screen of my smart phone.

Day 2, the dish from room temperature was clean as new while dish from 37℃ showed a few colonies from the nail section. One colony was found in the keyboard section, may of may have not migrated from the finger section. They all looked like spread seeds instead of bunch of bushes I was expecting.

Day 7, a few colonies grew in room temperature from the nail section while other sections remain clean. I guess it is safer to chew on your pens than sucking your thumb. Actually, it seems like everything I lay my hand on is clean except for my hand itself.
From the 37℃, the nail section seem to be having a festival-they grew bigger and invited families!, but other sections seem not really interested. David from the laptop grew and became Goliath.

It kind of looked like something from the medical microbe gallery(thanks, Gwen!), which was labeled to be unknown. I guess he could be named Goliath and be treated with stone throwing.


  1. Really like the organization of your post and the extra effort made to detail things in your pictures. Your post provides evidence at how different surface types provide good or bad environments for bacteria growth. All of the non-living surfaces such as the pen tip, keyboard, and smart phone showed little to no growth in both samples. While the bacteria from under a finger nail did grow in both temperatures. This evidence makes me less suspicious of using school computers and any other plastic or metal surface. Shows how bacteria favors other living things to live on rather than a metal door knob that gets touched everyday by lots of people.

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  3. I am very impressed that you said in day 2 that your bacteria shown on the laptop could have migrated from the nail section. I was looking at other posts and having a hard time trying to figure out whether the bacteria was from one thing or another, since it had gone over the line. I also am amazed at how clean the keyboard of the laptops are I did not think they were cleaned alot. I agree with Brain on liking the extra effort you made on your drawings.
    Comment By Robert Barker

  4. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your TSA dishes. I really like how your micro organisms grew very neatly compare to my plates. For this experiment, I also tested my cellphone, but I had a lot of organism grow on my sample. While you didn’t have any growth of organism on your sample, so I guess your cell phone is much cleaner than my cell phone. Also, I noticed that both of our experiments had more growth of organisms at 37 degree Celsius. By the way, I really like your drawings on the plate to represent the samples that you tested.
